After 37 years in teaching, I'm not sure what the future holds in store for me. I think about retirement, but then...what would I do every day? I'm such a lazy person in the summer that I hate to think of the boredom that would certainly set in after more than two months of not teaching. So, this year I am really going to think about what would lie in the road ahead if I took the road not yet taken...retirement.
i love the picture of your garden. hope you find the road you are looking for. i used to teach, too. it's a hard job, and not everyone can do it. look forward to reading more of your blogs as they come along:)
Hi Mom!! Love your blog as well. I didn't even know you had one!! Yeah I finally found a better template. It's much more vibrant and fits my personality. I'm adding your blog to my list now. Love you!
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